Buy harvested types dates at wholesale price

This article will discuss how different types of dates are harvested and how they are processed. Also, we are going to explain how this plant can be easily planted at home. Planting palm dates or creating palm groves is flourishing in the world’s tropics. The structure of this plant is resistant to salinity, dry climate, and heat. The date palm tree has always been holy for most people in different regions and, indeed, is one of the oldest trees known to humans. Palm trees started to exist in the second geological period. This plant originated in southwest Asia and Mesopotamia. The primary date fruit types are Mazafati, Berhi, Khunizi, Kabkab, and Khassui, mainly considered wet dates. The dry and semi-dry types are Piarom or Maryam Zahedi or Jihadi, Turi, Deiri, Medjool, Shahabi, Safawi, and Ajwa. The wet types of dates contain more water in them, generally known as syrup, and due to their high moisture, they are more exposed to spoilage. Therefore, they have a short shelf life and need to be refrigerated to remain fresh for a longer time. Processing Of Date Palm The dry or semi-dry types of date fruits are those dates that are left on the palm tree for a more extended period until they are semi-dry or fully dry. Consequently, these groups of dates have a much longer shelf life and do not require to be refrigerated; accordingly, their storage condition is more economical than wet dates. If you are planning to have your palm tree in your apartment, you can prepare and plant these valuable seeds easily and create a relaxing green environment and reduce the air pollution around you. Planting a date seed without any preparation reduces its chance of growing or may take a long time. For the date seed to grow, it needs to go through a few stages as follows: First, remove the date seeds from the fruit with a narrow-headed knife or a pen tube. Next, put the roots in cold water. The seeds need to be soaked in water for a week to 10 days and change the water every day with new fresh cold water. Then carefully place the seeds in a damp napkin, cloth, or towel. Then put the fabric into a plastic bag and close the bag well. Check the fabric inside the bag every date to make sure it stays damp if you use paper tissues. It might get damaged after a while so you can replace it with new tissue. It is better to put the plastic bag in a warm place. You will notice that a white root starts growing, though this stage might take several weeks, so be patient. Finally, place the rooted seeds in a suitable soil and fertilizer pot. You will soon have your beautiful young palm tree.

Processing Of Date Palm

The palm date fruits are not only eaten fresh any longer. So many companies started the processing lines of these fruits to create new products. Date fruits have numerous benefits. That is because these fruits are full of organic fibers and contain the best nutrients for the muscles. People consume date fruits in many different ways. For instance, they mix them with milk, yogurt, or butter to create a new recipe that is delicious and healthy for the young and the old. Besides being rich in various sugars, other substances such as protein, pectin, fat, cellulosic, and mineral substances. Dates contain more than 20 percent moisture and are exposed to different microbe attacks, especially yeasts and molds. The PH of dates is around 2.6-5.6, which creates a suitable environment for these microorganisms. Unfortunately, many date-producing companies neglect the value and the profit of processing. Fresh Medjool Dates Processing Method Processing the date palm fruits consists of several stages, which we are going to explain briefly: First, the date producing company received the lead from the farmers. The agent in charge has to mention the time and the date of delivery of the dates and lead the cargo to the section where they will be weighed. Next, the dates are disinfected using gas, and this might take place ten days before processing the dates. Then they are sorted according to their size and sent to the washing section. Next, the dates are packed and marked with the production and expiration dates. Finally, Nitrogen gas is injected into the packs to increase the durability and the quality of the dates.

Fresh Medjool Dates Processing Method

When fresh, dates go through the processing line, and most companies follow the same method. The Medjool date, scientifically known as Phoenix dactylifera, is a monocotyledonous tropical palm tree that belongs to the Arecaceae family. Medjool palm tree has gained a significant international and export market and is known as Medjool, Medjoul, Majhool, or Mahjul in different counties. Organic Medjool Dates Origin The main difference between the date palm and other palm trees is in its fruit. Bear in mind that not all Medjool date palm trees produce dates of the same size, some trees produce dates up to 7 cm long while some others have shorter fruits. Almost all dates go through the same processing method and Medjool dates are no exception. When the Medjool dates arrive at the company they are weighed. Next, they are disinfected using a special type of gas. After that, they are sorted into different groups. Next, they pack the dates according to the buyer’s order and taste and are marked to be sent to the wholesalers or the retailers around the world.

Organic Medjool Dates Origin

Organic dates are the healthiest types of food and Medjool dates are the popular ones. The origin of the Medjool date is known to be Morocco.  It is a type of large, sweet, and high-quality data and it also grows in the US, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Palestine. Many people might wonder what fruits and foods are called organic. Organic farming is a type of farming in which no toxins and fertilizer are used and is much more common in western countries. Many countries have chosen organic farming because of its high demand among different groups of people. Although organic farming sounds more economical, it ends up being more expensive than conventional framing in many cases. In conventional farming, the produce grows on time as planned. Farmers use pesticides as planned and don’t worry about the pests. But organic farming requires considerable attention because no toxins and fertilizers are used. Our company has been doing business for more than two decades and has gained valuable experience in both organic and conventional farming. Since we provide our products from different countries, we have become able to supply a wide variety of organic dates and their by-products to our customers around the globe all days of the year. So feel free to contact us at any time.