Mazafati dates uk purchase price

There are different types of dates. Most of them are in the Middle East.

The price of dates varies as it has varied types.

Mazafati is one of them which has great benefits for us and is the most popular among them.

Because of rich nutrition facts, it’s totally worth the price.

It is mainly grown in Iran and Pakistan.

The most famous one is Bam which is in Kerman, Iran’s southern province.

As it has moisture, we don’t consider it as a dried is classified as stone fruit.

Its color is black or sometimes dark purple.

Also, it has flesh, essence, and marvelous taste.

All of stock dates should store with the latest standards and appropriate situations in temperature which prevent dates from spoiling.

In addition, the value of the dates determines when it handed to the customer.

If it is stored in appropriate conditions, it won’t lose its characteristics. Many people during the day because of business challenges may have no time for eating their launch.

Date is a good substitute for launch. Of course, the launch is very important for our health, but unfortunately, in recent years because of too much business challenges that people deal with and also social development, many people regard to their job have no decent time for eating launch.

These people could eat a couple of Mazafati dates, and obtain adequate energy for rest of the day.

Mazafati Dates Benefits

Dates contain 20 calories, 2.8-milligram calcium, and 5-gram carbohydrate.

Dates are full of antioxidants which tannin is the most prominent of them.

These tannins prevent cells damages and protect them from inflammation.

  1. Dates for constipation: dates have dietary fiber. Fiber is a substance that prevents constipation. You need 20 to 35 grams of fiber every day.
  2. Dates benefits for improving heart health: you just need a few numbers of dates in a day for this manner; anti-oxidants in dates would stop arteriosclerosis which basically causes artery hardening and blood clots. These antioxidants stimulate the elimination of cholesterol from vascular cells.
  3. Dates for improving bone structure: dates are rich source of copper, magnesium, selenium, and manganese. All of these minerals are essential for protecting the bone structure and preventing osteoporosis diseases. Dates also have boron which is beneficial for healthy bones.
  4. Blood pressure: dates are rich in potassium and their minerals cause blood pressure reduction. Dates magnesium relieves heart muscles and blood arteries so the result would be blood pressure reduction.
  5. Improving sexual health: dates have been used for men’s fertility.
  6. Treating diarrhea: high level of potassium in dates could help to improve your condition.
  7. Improving brain health: consuming dates and similar fruits regularly, have a relation with neurodegenerative. Research shows that there is a possibility of reduction in chances of Alzheimer’s development.
  8. Boosting energy: this fruit contains many nourishing minerals which help to elevate the energy level, also has natural sugars like fructose and glucose which would boost your energy.

Mazafati Dates Benefits

Mazafati Dates Origin

The Middle East is the capital of dates, and Mazafati dates originate from Iran.

But there are different types of dates.

These are Iranian names for various dates.

Chocolate Piarom date: most expensive date in Iran, have customers in Iranian and other countries.

It is an elixir of energy, rejuvenation, and skin refreshing.

It could be used for making different foods and beverages.

It is organic and basically, no chemical substance is needed.

The skin of Piarom date is dark brown and black. the sugar of it is fructose digested easily.

Because of long time preservability has lots of fan all around the world.

It contains vitamins b1, b2, and minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphate, magnesium, and iron. Este’meran dates: from Khuzestan in Iran.

It is half dried so it last longer has more time for selling, and it has thick skin. Shahani date: it is soft and dry and very sweet and delicious.

Zahedi Dates: easy for storing and transporting making it popular in Iran and among foreigners.

Kabkaab dates: these dates are dark brown and have benefits financially.

Gantar dates: long-time preservability makes it more preferable. El Mehtari dates: the ability to ripen faster makes it economically profitable.

Khazravi date: it is soft and ripen fast has an oval seed which is pale brown.

Khasoui date: it is sweet and has high quality.

Sugar date: it has an interesting size and color.

First, it’s green then it turns to yellow when it’s ripped it would be brown.

It has more sugar so it’s sweeter than other dates ripe fast and economically beneficial.

It’s dry and could be considered as a decent snack meal.

Mazafati Dates Supplier

Consuming date in Ramadhan in Islamic and Arabic countries reaches to its peak and date’s market and export has significant growth.

Due to statistics of the food and agriculture organization (FAO) we have 5000 kind of date palm in the world and 8.5-million-ton production.

58.8 percent of dates are in Asia, 43.4 percent in Africa. 77 percent of global production are in Arabic countries.

Egypt; first place: Egypt produces 1.7 million ton over a year and has the 21 percent of global production. They export their dates to 63 countries.

The shocking thing is that they export only 3 percent of their production.

They are in 12th place of exporters in the world.

Mazafati Dates Origin

Saudi Arabia; looking to possess Egypt’s place in date production Saudi Arabia in Ramadhan consumes 250 thousand ton.

They produce 75 different types of date so they have 17 percent of global production.

They export their product to more than 107 countries.

They hope in this year become the first country in producing date.

Every Saudi citizen consumes 26 kilo grams annually. Algeria; best quality of different dates producer They are in among top 5 producers for years and date is one of their most significant agriculture productions.

Algeria produces 900 thousand ton over a year.

They approximately consume 80 percent of their dates inside of the country.

They export just 5 percent of their date production.

Iraq 4th place: they produce 735-thousand-ton data and allocate the 4th place to themselves.

The products we are offering you are the best and highest quality in the world.

Based on the statistics the rate of our exportation goes over top 5 countries having the same product.

I recommend you to get to know our company and products and choose the best.